So it's now 2011. I must honestly say I did not think I would make it here. Back in the day I was a sick kid just hoping to see 2000. Well, 2000 has come and gone and I'm still here.
I decided in this new year that I would make one solid resolution and that would be to write more. I would write anything. The best way to do that in this modern time is through a blog. Yes, I had another blog but it was more about my life as a patient and really less about me. After all, a patient is just a small fraction of who I am. A very small fraction.
My plan is to blog at least every other day. I strive to be honest and real but also creative and witty. This is really is just a place for me; as I am sure I will read and reread these posts on a weekly basis.
So this being the 3rd day in January I cannot say a lot has happened so far. I've been a sloth waiting for the holidays to end so I can start the day-to-day grind again. I actually want that. I know I should enjoy the time off and the slow pace and I did but now it's time to get the blood flowing again. No more sleeping until noon and eating every hour on the hour. Oy, that is the main reason I'm ready to get back to work. Food was a BIG part of this holiday for me. I ate so well! Too well. I initially made the typical New Year's resolution--work out more. I kept thinking why is this a resolution??? Shouldn't I just do that anyway? I will admit Casey and I have been pretty slack lately (okay the last 3 months) with exercising. Luckily, my pulmonary function tests have been normal even though I've been so lazy. I even admitted that to my doc--who does this? He laughed and told me, basically, to start moving my ass. I will--tomorrow.
So, this is my first blog entry. Exciting--probably not, but I am diving in and bound to keep my promise (to myself) to write down my thoughts. My thoughts to read through when 2012 rolls around.
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